@ Martis - Good question re how to deal with the 'mother of...

  1. VRS
    255 Posts.
    @ Martis - Good question re how to deal with the 'mother of all...' etc etc.

    1. First step might be for the EU to change its constitution so that the ECB is allowed to sell a proportion of its huge gold reserves (say 10-25% max) which will inevitably devalue the Euro & dilute bond markets to bring sovereign bond returns down (eg: IT, PT, IRL, Spain) - I've oft thought that the Euro was overvalued, having enjoyed the strength of Sterling vs our mainland European cousins for several decades until around 2008...

    2. Proportional Representation should be made compulsory for all Western-model democracies to avoid exactly what we've just experienced with Reps & Dems in US gridlock over the debt issue.

    3. Strict debt limits should be placed on ALL free market economies/sovereign states in relation to their overall GDP - in other words 'cutting ones coat to suit the cloth available, within accepted & sensible limits. This in itself imposes a mechanism which prevents over-borrowing & irresponsible lending.

    4. All elected officials & officers of governmental organisations & NGO's (including private & public businesses) must be made accountable for decisions which impact the overall structure of the framework within which they are charged to work & serve - at an immediate, local, national & international level, in a similar fashion to product liability on goods sold at retail - including (but not limited to) government ministers, prime ministers, presidents, heads of councils & their departments, banks, finance houses etc.

    5. Spending earmarked for 'defence budgets' should be limited to a % of GDP, eg: max 2-3% - that way the US would have been able to agree cuts of twice what it just has - and thereby avoid default... Let's face it the US$14 trillion debt is equal to just 10 years of the national amount spent on the military & DOD each year...

    6. Sell as much of the 'family silver' as possible... national assets, agricultural land, ANYTHING to ANYONE who still has cash to buy it... in the current case - the Chinese.

    7. QE3, QE4, QE5, etc etc etc... is already on the cards... BUT next time 'round ENFORCE the currency markets to maintain carry trade at true relative worth... and as we all know that probably means reintroducing the Gold Standard... promises & 30-year bond/debt issues are of absolutely no use in supporting any currency... because as we know, the World economy may get hit by a 'Black Swan' (aka a bus) at any time - as we're experiencing now....

    8. REMOVE the Bilderberg group from any influence on World economic policy IMMEDIATELY - Identify all attendees of meetings held in the last 25 years to date - and compel them in Courts in the UK, EU & US to explain their actions to date and disclose all current agendas discussed & decided at meetings in their history as a group. Freemasonry (for that's what it is) in the name of free market economics & global political/strategic policy arranged by them reflects the worst of self-interested old money & human nature - this pulls the strings that have led us here, so acknowledge this or not at our collective peril.

    9. Introduction of the Yuan/Renminbi ASAP as a secondary default currency to the US$ - this should be a matter of priority to free-up China's global purchasing power to acquire anything it wants that isn't strategic or military-tech related.

    10. Reduce the World population by approximately 75% - Oh, sorry, no - scrub that - that's the Bilderberg agenda isn't it... my mistake... Sorry. (!)

    VRS :)x

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