Why Most Of You Are Next And Won’t Make It Through, page-25

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    The issue about participation, in general, is because once enough eyes are on an event it becomes too hard to control, for to shift it in favor of power ends up leaving tell-tale signs of tampering. The political ratfuckers, the false flag flunkies, the prostitician (loved that epithet, please speak up so I can credit you) will always be working for power, night & day -- the point of being involved is to make their jobs harder, not win every battle. Here we have in the Golan Heights what is panning out to be another Narrative that is falling apart due to witnesses and due diligence by amateur online journalism & forensic sleuthing.

    Critical mass, people power, is a real thing. We are reaching "unmanageable numbers". Being present and involved in life's many facets is sometimes all you need to press the structure to find its point of failure, to find the opportunity for liberty. Thank you DunGroanin, Jane, Greg, and any others I missed trying to elucidate this principle in the larger aggregate of civil participation.

    And to others, even if we still disagree on the how to do this, I don't want you to give up participating in the ways you know. Cynicism is great for insight, but eventually you must also act somewhere. For sloth is a great deceiver because it is comforting, cozy even, it risks little and is content with still less reward. Very old powers we fight. Love you, and fight back the best way you know how!

    /cheep cheep

    Posted by: titmouse | Jul 28 2024 6:31 utc

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