DoraParticipantEugypppius substact article.Unredacted RKI...

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    Eugypppius substact article.
    Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again
    “None of the repressions visited upon the unvaccinated had any epidemiological purpose; they were simple state harassment and coercion to further a pointless social engineering goal. ”


    More from Eugyppius’s substact above:

    “This brings us to the first lesson of the RKI protocols, which also happens to be a central doctrine of the plague chronicle: Politics does not, and cannot, follow science. Rather, science follows politics, and scientists were no more central to decision-making during the pandemic than they were at any other time.

    “During the pandemic, scientists were called upon to provide an illusory Science that politics could pretend to follow. This is the second great revelation of the RKI protocols, and it is why they are so embarrassing for the pandemicists. This is, again, something that we already knew, although of course it is profoundly helpful to have it documented beyond dispute in these records. The RKI Covid Crisis Team did not decide on lockdowns or vaccination strategy or anything else; that was a job for politicians in the Health Ministry, and for even more powerful politicians beyond them going all the way up the Chancellor’s office. Christian Drosten had to pretend to advise the politicians, while withholding his own papers when they deviated from government policy. The RKI knew that the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was nonsense but they kept quiet about it, and Drosten surely knew it was nonsense too when he told state media on 18 November that Covid is above all a “disease of the unvaccinated.” The role of RKI epidemiologists and virus prophets like Drosten was merely to provide a pandemic fiction that would justify whatever it was the politicians already wanted to do. Along the way, they did untold and unforgivable damage to our society and to many millions of innocent people.”

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