why obama should bust netanyahu for 9/11, page-9

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7

    Anyone who constantly disparages the Western leadership, without any commensurate criticism of the fantical miosogynst lunatics, whose sole aim in life is to bring down Western Democracies, must have a strong inclination towards the beliefs of these same fanatics. And especially if you also constantly criticise, and/or disparage, Western Democracies, and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel (maybe we could also include Turkey, but its location is not considered to be in the Middle East).

    Western Democracies are certainly not perfect democracies (who can ever achieve perfection?) but they beat hands down those countries that have no respect for the rule of law (and yes, Western Democracies don't always get it right, but who is perfect?).

    And anyone who denies the events of 9/11 must be one of those lunatics, without question.
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