Why President Trump is Our Only Hope, page-3

  1. 16,218 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 134
    Absolutely agree. He is not the best of men. He is not the worst of men. He has many faults: he tends towards being bombastic, something he has in common with a lot of Americans, especially from New York. He lacks patience with his appointees when he feels they haven't delivered, something he has in common with a lot of business executives & leaders. He sees solutions and results which he wants but don't come as quickly as he wants, another trait developed in the business world.
    But he's a man who offered himself for this job, pursued it aggressively, because he felt he had something to offer his country in the way of changes that he believed his country needed. He has been able to deliver some of those, he has been prevented from delivering others.
    We will see if his country will give him the chance to provide more changes. I believe it will and I believe he deserves that chance.
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