Why renewables can't save the planet., page-181

  1. 37,515 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Not criticising China for wanting to try and get to Australia's living standards.

    What do you suggest ? Tell the Chinese to remain in the 19th century while we live it up ?

    China are building new power stations. They are replacing really bad, dirty old ones. I'd say that's a positive. Chian are also embracing new technologies. Thousands of electric buses. Thousands of electric scooters and now they're building electric cars.

    What's Australia doing ? Building bigger freeways for cars to sit idling in.

    I have not criticized Australia for selling coal. I am critical of Australia not having a policy on the move to renewables which is inevitable. We need to be planning for life after coal.
    What do think is going to happen once the rest of the world doesn't need coal anymore ? What do you think is going to happen to our export income ?

    Because emerging economies are going to use more energy, it follows that they will produce more CO2. But they won't be doing it at the per capita rate that we do. And, the more we develop low emission technology, the more they can use instead of fossil.

    Renewable energy is getting cheaper all the time. There are decades of data to prove that. Fossil and nuclear is getting more expensive. There are decades of data to prove that.

    Countries have to rely on imported fossil fuels. They have to purchase energy from other countries which is an economic drag and a security issue.

    As soon as they have an alternative to generate their own, low emission, low pollution energy, what do you reckon they'll do ?

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