Why renewables can't save the planet., page-71

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "That's what the Hornsdale battery does. Smooths the output of the windfarm and provides FCAS. I did not say that it was for bulk grid supply backup as that is not it's role. I clearly pointed out that the gross backup was to be provided by things like Snowy 2.0. "

    I'm not at all antagonistic towards the sort of offerings you mention.
    The problem is the scale and number required to significantly effect the need for fossil fueled 24/7/365 base load supply.

    For example, Snowy 2 .. even if it gets up, will be but a drop in the ocean. Or at best a small cup.
    Clearly, Snowy 1 would never be built in today's regulatory conditions.

    Some researchers recently identified about 20,000 potential sites suitable for pumped hydro. However, read the fine print and that paper is not worth the paper it's printed on .. except in the la la land of academia and research grants.

    The unfortunate fact is that Australia is a challenging combination of large distances, areas of consistent high and low rainfall, tiny mountains, but red tape larger than all the mountains and greatest dams ever contemplated ... etc etc.

    These are existing practical impediments to the naive view of what is theoretically possible. The problem is not whether viable small scale technology exists, it is the practical application in our current society at the scale necessary for meaningful progress. What is possible in tiny Europe where even the UK can draw on French Nuclear generated electricity, is pretty much irrelevant for Australia.

    As for compressed air or Hydrogen production as practical energy storage solutions. Oh wow .. if only it was that simple.
    At one stage I had great hopes for Hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative to large scale battery storage. Looked like another example of a no brainer and is still a possibility. However I'm still on the grid with a hefty diesel generator for when the grid goes down, but not the arsonists.

    BTW, investigate further the anecdotal claims about petrol pumps and check out why all Rural Fire Fighting brigades still use them.
    A lack of oxygen that stops a petrol pump is not a place where any fire fighting efforts will make much difference.
    More likely a question of shielding the pump from radiant heat that could cause fuel vaporisation.

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