BHP 0.23% $39.59 bhp group limited

why so cheap compared to rio it , page-17

  1. 5,342 Posts.
    re: jb were says it is a morning "Techno8",
    What do they say about quality stocks...over time...and yes...the trend is your friend...

    I recall mentioning at (hc) some time back around the $15 mark to just ignore the "crap" and buy. I think "hardmano"?? suggested at the time, one of the advisors?? had a $26 price (12month) on it. Should/will get there sooner or later..perhaps sooner

    good investing

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$39.45 $39.82 $39.44 $197.3M 4.979M

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1 15 $39.58

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$39.60 21159 5
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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