PEK 0.00% 11.5¢ peak rare earths limited

why so low, page-53

  1. 5,314 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    tretch- well I am told by the locals that drinking kava is like womens breasts- 1 is too few and 3 are too many...

    appreciate your wise and sage advice- am sure I saw your tax advisor in main street here last night, he mentioned something about needing to lodge your 1976/77 tax return soon?

    anyway good to have something to be chirpy about when it comes to all things PEK- amazing what a cent in the green can do, now if we can have about another 30 of them we will all be giggling

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Mkt cap ! $38.48M
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12.0¢ 12.0¢ 11.5¢ $32.12K 279.3K

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No. Vol. Price($)
1 78956 11.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
12.0¢ 75959 2
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Last trade - 14.12pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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