Why So Many Denominations?, page-5

  1. 18,210 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @Trees - I remember all the donating I did when a child and later in that country town - did no longer wish to be known as a Catholic so: I did have children, did want them to have a Christian faith, took them to Lutheran church - Sunday was a way of collecting money - nice young priest, until he began preaching hellfire and damnation upon the souls of those hard-working German migrants who came to his Church - they simply looked 'unbelieving' if you excuse the pun, once he started. The beadle or 'Elder' or whatever title he sported, turned out to be molesting my best friend's young twin daughters - lucky they got wise - ran and told Mummy - all that on her parent's property. Large farm with beautiful old house - bathroom where he tried to molest them, was miles away from where we were chatting -
    Another lady, who was an 'orange' person - managed to build a flower and herb farm on her property with the help of voluntary labour by followers, who never got paid a penny - maybe sexual favours - she was single and older, all the volunteers were earnest young men. She made a small business from it - her herbal potions etc. sold expensively in Perth for a while.

    The potions were all based on precise recipes from a book she had borrowed from me (written by an amazing lady, a herbalist, called Juliette de Baïracli Levy) then denied ever having borrowed the book from me. It took me years to get another copy, but never the original with all the potion recipes. Funny that still rankles a bit with me, I have forgiven much bigger things - but I felt personally betrayed by someone pretending to be a 'spiritual' person.
    I'll probably get 'modded' for being off-topic - hope you read this before
    Go well

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