Why Study the Bible?, page-45

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    Dream on, as opposed to waiting for the world to end, satan running amuck, global flood that left 8 people to repopulate the planet over a few thousand years, taking snakes, death entering the world because of a single piece of fruit, women descended from ribs, blood transfusions are against the will of God, and your mob built a mansion, Beth Sarim for the ancient princes and prophets of the OT to live in after God resurrected them.

    That old Rutherford lived like a king all paid for by the gullible followers. You were saying?

    Sure this sick, sore world is awash with ignorance and misery, despotism, the horror of war, the madness of fundamental religion, corrupt politics and gross inequality, all somewhat preventable.

    If only 10% of the followers of religion would rise up and act according to what they claim to believe in this world would be transformed. Aborted children, as horrendous as that may be, will no doubt be comforted by your Jehovah.

    We are in this mess because theists are so full of righteous indignation and nothing else. Words and not deeds or gross, fundamental ignorance waiting for the world to end can you believe?

    Do you really wonder why things are so bad?

    You only open your mouth to change feet, my friend.
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