Why Study the Bible?, page-50

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    I think the point is that though conditions can change and this may bring a change in human behavior it is only an external change. It is temporary because inside, nothing fundamental has changed.
    People are kind to each other when their bellies are full and they do not feel threatened by those others. When there is a common threat, people find a sense of common brotherhood and altruism. When the threat is removed they revert to the usual squabbling, killing, maiming etc.

    "There has never been a time like this, ...."
    This certainly seems true. People, cultures and countries are falling over each other into a crazy reliance on technology such that any major disruption will have horrendous consequences.Talk about poised on a knife edge.

    Populations are moving into cities in droves. They are accepting without question a mindless substitute of Western values, reality TV shows, sporting spectacles, political distractions, fake news, dirty water and fast food, increasingly empty and cut off from any organic sense of themselves or feeling part of Nature.

    The stage is being set, the players assembled, speculation mounts as to where the script will go.
    As mentioned once before, stand by with the lifeboats.
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