Howdy Tonio, where Ya Bin. I'll ask, do you really want to...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Howdy Tonio, where Ya Bin.

    I'll ask, do you really want to see/hear the answer?
    Are you prepared to take the answer from the Bible and accept it?
    If you don't, Who are you in fact rejecting?

    Take a close look at this verse;
    Mal 3:1 BEHOLD, "I" (Almighty God and Father of Jesus 1 Peter 1:3) will send my messenger (John), before "ME", and he shall prepare the way before "ME": and the Lord , whom you seek (Jesus), shall suddenly come to his temple,..................

    NOTE: You have the Almighty God and Father of Jesus, you have John AND you have Jesus = 3 Mentioned here and they are three as in SINGULAR identities = No Question about it!!!

    This is referring to just after 1:14 and just After Jesus's Baptism.
    "John" prior to Jesus coming he was preparing the way for the Almighty God and Father of Jesus, making the path/way straight for God as God was about to send Jesus = Name means - God's Salvation and while Baptizing in water, He was telling the people of the one coming and how they would "then" be Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    All verses in John to 1:13 ARE about and none other than The Almighty God and Father of Jesus.
    OT sets the stage/prelude for everything, think of the Tent/Tabernacle and the Glory of God would fill the Tabernacle Ex 40:34 and in the Tent/Tabernacle, just for one, there was The Word of Life in the Tablets in the Box.
    So at 1:14 (not his birth), Jesus was The Tent/Tabernacle - Heb 9:11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building. (Heb 8:5-10.

    Jesus came the finish/complete the work of the Father = Bring The Word and John 12:49-50 just for one, paints a pretty good picture of that.
    The whole theme in the OT or problem, was getting that Word as in 1 John 1:1 out there and for people to abide in it.
    Jesus speaking the Word of his Father said, They are Spirit and Life = Because The Father IS The Holy Spirit, invisible and manifests himself to us via his Word/Spirit.
    Jesus spoke the Word of God Because (for) he had the Spirit without measure (Spirit/Word one in the same). John 3:34.

    So at 1:14 we had the Tent/Flesh of Jesus and God's Spirit/Word dwelling in Jesus and "they" dwelt among us = Two OF.
    We are to become the Temple of God, Jesus made the way and example so God can be ALL IN ALL.
    The Greek says 1:14 The Word flesh became.................. not the Word became flesh.

    John 1:4 As the Father had life in himself = That is reference to His Word as that is the light of man and therefore;
    At Jesus's baptism - John 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself = because he received the Spirit/Word within himself.

    Jesus as he is the Image OF God is also The Word OF God, Light OF God = OF OF OF OF!!! AND Not "The" Word.

    John 1:2 Should read - The same was in the beginning. "HE" does not belong.
    John 1:9 The light was "about to come" = False. That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
    Check OT, the light was well and truly already here.

    Hebrew OT shows, God's first creation was Aleph Tav = His Alphabet, building blocks, DNA for everything - to His Word.
    If you say Jesus in the Word = You are saying He was created, like it or not.
    His Spirit/Word, hence when he spoke, it was done = Word of Life.
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