WHC 0.33% $6.12 whitehaven coal limited

why the almost 5% decline today?, page-34

  1. 12,443 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1562
    The Styx Mine is Coking coal anyway. It is not a large mine. Workforce from Mackay and Rockhampton, Hour and half drive from Rocky. Yes, workforce drawn from Bowen and Galilee Basin mines and WA Iron mines.
    Maybe you are thinking of Waratah Mine in Galilee Basin, up to 100 Mt/year. In heavy negotiations with customers and potential partners.
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$6.14 $6.20 $6.07 $35.05M 5.726M

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1 9412 $6.12

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$6.13 2374 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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