I don't have any issue with Indians at all - I absolutely don't...

  1. 536 Posts.
    I don't have any issue with Indians at all - I absolutely don't want to see them bashed/harrassed/assailed, I don't want anyone given that treatment, particularly here in my home - Australia.

    In addition to the above, I really dislike the continual degradation of what is generally the laid back, Australian version of the European ideals that made Australia the great place it has been [and is becoming "less of"].

    If I'm to be completely honest, I like having all colours and creeds represented in Australia. I don't like the seemingly inevitable outcome on the horizon of losing our Australian-ness though.

    If I had my choice, from my heart of hearts, I would have a much higher ratio of Europeans filling our immigration sheets - afterall, that's where the Australia we all cherish came from in the first place.

    Cultural diversity is key - lets try to keep ours alive in the mix!
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