Snider said: "I see you are still finding things to get cranky...

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Snider said: "I see you are still finding things to get cranky about, you should calm down its not good for you!"

    I am not cranky but inquiring into truth. But it seems like your mind is cranky, as will be shown below:

    "My belief is that no-one who goes to or supports War is a Christian or Godly"

    so, here, you sound pretty cranky at the Xists on this forum & elsewhere than support war plus you are saying they are not Xian. therefore, you are saying Xist came for the good rather than for sinners, which is contrary to the gospel

    "but does so for their own Greedy gain or to express their hatred at those that do not conform to their own beliefs."

    so you appear to be saying here hatred is something unhealthy & harmful

    "War in the Bible, if it is true (I say this for your benefit) originated with God and was conducted for his righteous purpose, being the creator of all things, on those
    that were ungodly and also for the benefit of those people which he at that Time favoured as his own, namely Israel."

    trust me, this is not true. just as the Zionists committed many massacre of innocent people in 1948, none of the genocidal massacres reported Deuteronomy have any righteous purpose

    "When Jesus came along that changed as God disowned Israel due to their hard heartedness and ungodly ways and they have being fighting ever since and this has spread to all nations as is also mentioned in the Bible in Matthew I think."

    and so?

    "God and Jesus teach as mentioned previously in this thread to Love your Neighbour as yourself, this love is mentioned in 1Cor 13:4-8"

    yes. I have read this rhetoric

    "why don't you have a look as no-one who goes to War is practising these principles as it does not suit their own evil intentions of what War is about which is dominating others for greedy gain and a lack of generosity."

    like when they formed Israel in 1948 & mimicked the massacres of Deuteronomy?

    "Gandhi mentioned this, I think from memory and his belief was that if the whole World practised what Jesus taught in his Sermon on the Mount that we would all be living in Peace."

    oh, Gandhi

    "If you take away Birthdays and Christmas and all the other so called Christian traditions that most people practise by giving in order to receive ( and I include Tax deductible donations in this also) and you are honest you will see that without these Celebrations there is virtually no giving at all without some expectation in return."


    "Why don't you examine yourself and see if I'm right ( but you must be honest in your assessment of course)."

    right about what?

    "That is why my belief is that all War is unacceptable to God and unchristian unless it has his authority.
    Which how can anyone prove when by their own actions they conduct themselves in an ungodly way."

    so there are hardly true Xians in the world, according to your definition, except possibly you?

    "Another point to re-enforce this ungodly behaviour is that the Bible mentions that God allows Human Governments to exist as a means of having a semblance of order to prevent a complete anarchy."

    most governments are corrupt & the hierarchy in government represents the law of the jungle. I doubt government is related to god but, instead, the unmeek inheriting the earth

    "Christians are directed to obey Human Governments unless they contradict Gods own Laws."

    so you agree Muslims should be able to practise Sharia Law

    " This is why some do not vote or go to War but Pay Taxes and be obedient to the Government generally ( I'm sure you know who I'm talking about....Pay Caesars things to Caesar and God's things to God)"

    you pay tax to make your fair & honest contribution to the collective interrelated society

    "How can a group of People, supported by another Human Government try to overthrow an existing Government and say they are doing it in the name of God?"

    your question is moot because there is only the law of the jungle rather than 'Xod' functioning

    "This is a complete contradiction as by doing so you are encouraging the over throw of all Human Governments in the End."

    me? certainly not. I am not encouraging the over throw of all Human Governments in the End

    "This only makes me believe we are closer to the end of Humanity as we know it as I mentioned when discussing the Gay Marriage Thread."

    possibly. but the end of humanity has nothing to with Gay People but, instead, war, as I pointed out to you on that thread.

    further, your diatribe against Gay People was certainly not loving thy neighbour or the love of 1Cor 13:4-8

    if you want a properly articulated teaching about love, that contains no vile loopholes, the following:

    Wishing: In gladness and in safety,
    May all beings be at ease.
    Whatever living beings there may be;
    Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
    The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
    The seen and the unseen,
    Those living near and far away,
    Those born and to-be-born —
    May all beings be at ease!

    Let none deceive another,
    Or despise any being in any state.
    Let none through anger or ill-will
    Wish harm upon another.
    Even as a mother protects with her life
    Her child, her only child,
    So with a boundless heart
    Should one cherish all living beings;

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