ddzx,Or should I call you 4X.You seriously make me laugh, there...

  1. 422 Posts.

    Or should I call you 4X.

    You seriously make me laugh, there is Truth everywhere that you don't want to see!

    I made the comment before, when we chatted, your understanding of my comments is real funny.

    You said "so you appear to be saying here hatred is something unhealthy & harmful"

    zzdx, I think that most rational, moral People would agree with that but I was not drawing attention to that rather what a true Christian would not do, which include Israel who a made a lucrative Business of War and their supporters!

    "and so?" Proves that the warring is not Christian but they all think it is but yet do not display Godly Devotion or Love to each other.

    You consider 1Cor 13:4-8 to be rhetoric, but think that the teachings of Bhuddha who was an imperfect Man and started a Cult is worthy of consideration. I wonder what Bhuddha thinks of Homosexuality?

    The Lack of generosity in Humanity is a big reason all we do is War as it is more profitable, that is what is "so" and " right about what" right about how much actual generous giving you do zzdx without expecting something in return, where you are spontaneous and use your initiative and give to someone because you can?

    As for true Christians in the World, yes that is what I am saying and no I do not consider myself to be one as I have fallen short and don't try anymore due to my own situation, but that does not mean to say that I do not know what is required!

    Remember Noahs Ark 7 People survived God's Judgement due to the Badness on the Earth and I fully expect that the next Judgement Day will be the same ie a very small % of People surviving!

    "most governments are corrupt & the hierarchy in government represents the law of the jungle. I doubt government is related to god but, instead, the unmeek inheriting the earth" I agree and it is very disheartening, but imagine what the world would be like without them, and things are definitely going from bad to worse as predicted it would in the Last Days.

    "so you agree Muslims should be able to practise Sharia Law"
    No I don't as this is not in line with God and Jesus teachings towards our fellow Man.

    "you pay tax to make your fair & honest contribution to the collective interrelated society" yes but God directs this as we all benefit from the services that Govt provide.

    "your question is moot because there is only the law of the jungle rather than 'Xod' functioning" This is only because we are so far from our beginning and so close to the end!

    "possibly. but the end of humanity has nothing to with Gay People but, instead, war, as I pointed out to you on that thread." Yes but is is a general sign of the breakdown of what is God's law's. For the record, I do not hate Gay People as such it is the Behaviour which is detestable and God does forgive Gay People if they repent and turn around from behaviour that he does not approve of and do works which befit repentance.

    Whether we like it or not, God being the creator of all things has the right to decide what is good for us and what is bad and that is what is at the bottom of what is going on in the World from the beginning until know.

    Ie that Humans do not know what is best for them and where not meant to govern themselves but follow god's guidelines. Also as to why Humans serve God as recorded in Job whether we serve God for what he gives us and even if it causes us Pain and Death as this is what shows true Love of God, and it is only when we are at the point of our own destruction that he will step in and save those who he deems as his faithful and righteous ones as he did in Noah's Day.


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