zzdx,"A mind that is not enlightened cannot comprehend an...

  1. 422 Posts.

    "A mind that is not enlightened cannot comprehend an enlightened response"

    "'Knowledge of the Drible' is an illogical statement because blind faith in things that cannot be proven to exist is not knowledge.

    You are correct in your own respect as backed up at 2Cor4:4
    "among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through."

    Just because you refuse the abundant proof that exists does not prove anything but you childish mentality and ignorance, just as you use X for God, Jesus and Christian saying it is an abbreviation, but you do not say Homo, Xomo or Xosexual when talking of your beliefs as it is an example of YOUR hatred of God and ignorance to him just as when a Parent reprimands a Child and the Child covers its Ears so as not to hear and acknowledge what it does not want to accept.

    " To believe in a God so one can be VIOLENT against others, such as homosexuals, is actually to give way to your most basic and animalist desires"

    Lets get things clear, I do not or have never condoned Violence against anyone including Homo's, and my previous Posts allude to the Fact that the Wars of our World fought by FALSE RELIGIONS of all types, as to kill is not the behaviour of TRUE CHRISTIANS. I myself although having a bad temper, recognise that to vent my anger in a violent destructive manner is a sign of weakness and not strength and is not approved of by God.

    I also mentioned that Ghandi recognised that the World would be at peace if it practised what Jesus taught at his Sermon on the Mound and this is also backed up by many Wise Men who have lived long before us who recognised that Humans do not know what is best for them and were not meant to decide for themselves what is right and wrong.

    Jeremiah 10:23 "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to Man who is walking even to direct his own step."

    This has never been evident more in regards to Homosexuality, which has brought us Aids as well as the problem of STD's which a rife among promiscuous Homo's and have been spread to hetrosexuals by Bisexual Men.

    Homosexuality rather than Bible knowledge and adherence is what is actually animalistic, as Homosexuality is of no benefit to the Human Race and as you mentioned in James 1:14,15
    "But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by HIS OWN desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to Sin, in turn, Sin, when it has become accomplished, brings forth death.

    "What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.
    At least the first bit is what you and your boyfriend want to believe when you are practising your vile and detestable behaviour and it is your that needs to recognise the second part as I am defending Jehovah's standard and you by your animalist desire and your defence of it are making a mockery of him!

    You make statements about me but by doing so, show your absolute ignorance and childish Mind as I was the one who wanted to get Married when I learnt the truth about God and my Wife did not which caused the conflict in my Marriage and my Congregations handling of my situation caused me to loose faith in them rather than God. I also was a Virgin till my early twenties as I am not a ravenous sexual being as you imply (unlike Homosexuals) and the only reason that I did have Sex (before I learnt about God) was out of the misguided belief of being a better Husband for my future Wife.

    Now after all of that you still have not answered me as to how Humans got here? Not as you want to answer which even children know which is how we reproduce now that we are here!

    You seem to want to compare animals having Sex to the privilege of marriage which is my opinion of the marriage Act, and you give example of Male animals fighting which is a process by which the strongest Genes are the one which procreate in the Animal World but have nothing to do with Humans. Call it evolution if you like but evolution does not explain how life began and why and for what purpose.

    You said "There is no Creator God of the kind you are inferring. There are only the Laws of Nature. Humans get here via the blood & energy of reproduction & they have no specific purpose on this Planet however they are instinctually programmed for survival thus their survival instincts invent religions to help them survive their life which inevitably results in death."

    That makes absolutely no sense but if it were true where does this programmed instinct come from?

    "The union of a man and woman is not a privilege. Instead, it is the same ordinary expression of sexual need. It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman. But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife and each woman with her own husband. I say this as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all of you were as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."

    Where does this sexual need come from? You seem to be contradicting yourself here as you are saying that it is a concession that was made not as a means of procreation but without it none of us would be here. But in your argument Homosexual Sex is natural even though it is for no benefit to the Human Race.

    If, as you seem to be alluding, that evolution is how Humans got here, how do you explain Human Governments especially, Socialist Governments which work contrary to survival of the fittest but actually protect that which is unable to provide for itself or that which is of no benefit to procreation of the survival of the Human Race?

    Furthermore, if evolution were true, then Dominant Hetrosexual Man would have removed Homosexual behaviour from the planet as it is actually a threat to the survival of the Human Race.

    " the statement: "It is a commitment to a Higher power to be acceptable in his Eye's and to make the Union Honourable!" is non-sense. Human relationships will succeed when people love each other, that is all."

    The only way Human relationships will succeed is when they live according to the Laws that were set down by our creator, and that means his interpretation of them not ours or more specifically yours zzdx!


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