the stoning comment does still apply as its the same result as hanging or whatever method is used for the same reasons
did you get a chance to look at my Post #: 658332 not sure if you did, please consider
you know we need to be logical and i sense you have logic taking all my posts in this thread into consideration
re: Murder is when you take the life of another innocent human being though your own actions.
Its Murder as your killing an un armed person
re: Executing a violent criminal is not murder.
yes it is as you have them in custody
re: Also, by not enacting the proper punishment on the guilty you are potentially dooming more innocent people to the same fate as the original victims, which is worse?
no your not as they are in custody, they are no threat in custody
re: Firstly I'm not as an individual seeking to harm an innocent. I am proposing that we as a society should enact a level of punishment that fits the chosen crimes committed by those found GUILTY through due process.
due process is a joke and most forensics is bunkum
This might not 'perfect' but it's certainly not the same as them.
yes it is and its not considering the whole re my other posts
i know good people who say the same as you, i am not saying you are evil, just please consider what i say, the solution you propose has been tried for eons, i show you the whole picture, please consider