Why the Right Is Dominating YouTube, page-25

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    I agree. Search your own phrases. Use google but careful not to let it use you.

    Maybe Trump and Sessions are Deep State. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. The hysterical opposition by the Deep States media is the only thing that makes me doubt that. But either way if they are and it gets exposed and helps get everyone on the same 'anti deep state/permanent government page' then awesome i'll be the first one spreading the word. Will i spread the word on the size of his hand or if he like groupies or if he shook Angela's hand or not? Certainly not. It pointless distracting nonsense. Will i talk about the issues the MSM is ignoring, burying, avoiding? Absolutely. 6 people of which none i trust own the entire MSM. They don't have good intentions imho. Doesn't make me a conspiracy theorist. Makes me a realist.

    Which conspiracies are you talking about in Particular. You're being very vague. Nothing I've spoken about has turned out to be bull-dust as you called it. In fact every day more and more are waking to the issues i am speaking about.

    Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley on the middle east (particularly Syria).
    Wikileaks - for raw data and corruption in western permanent governments
    Whistleblowers. But exercise caution.
    To be honest anywhere but the MSM and exercise skepticism. The MSM is just so false that even with healthy skepticism i can't even entertain their narratives anymore. Just not interesting or important. So much more going on that nobody is discussing. I see straight through the narrative. Just look at the sheet being discussed on Hotcopper for the past few months. Rubbish that doesn't matter. Distracting sheet. We're like a cat with a ball of wool.
    And we're supposed to be the reasonably intelligent. Not according to the threads being created here everyday. We're like a bunch of grannies sitting around the bowls green gossiping. Not dealing with the real issues whatsoever.

    Again have you heard of the Awan brothers???

    Personally i don't have any 'go to' news sites and certainly not infowars. Breitbart is a recent one for me but even that is only rarely. There are a few website i frequent but they require me to ensure i double and triple check the information. When you turn off from MSM you tend to have a healthy level of skepticism and checking becomes habitual. You have to trust your instincts to digest information and determine the truth for yourself. The more information you receive the easier to determine truth. We can not rely on MSM any longer. That much is certainly clear.

    I consider fake news to be news that is pointless. Even if its true news that wouldn't normally get air time but is used to distract from other bigger stories. It doesn't have to be fake to be completely pointless and distracting. Again search the Awan brothers.

    Using the best tool ever 'Google' instead of it using you is as simple as this. Instead of searching 'Syria Conflict' in the search bar; try search 'truth about Syria conflict'. This may sound trivial but i bet if you give it a go you will be amazed at the difference in the results you get.

    You can use this for almost every single topic you can think of. 'The Truth about.....................'
    Don't knock it till you try it. It really is that simple. Try it. 'The Truth about the Ukraine conflict'. 'The Truth about the Libya Conflict'. 'The Truth about the Clinton Foundation and Haiti'. 'The truth about the McCain foundation and Ashton Kutcher'.

    You won't get many MSM links in the search results because they cleverly never claim to be telling the truth. They avoid that. They are just selling you a particular narrative.

    Ever wonder why both Fox and CNN hate Assad and parrot the same BS that has been clearly proven to be false at this stage? Because they are the same. They are on the same side. The side of the permanent government whose foreign policy is to overthrow Governments and protect puppet governments. Neither are on the side of the Syrian people and if you refuse to see the truth in that statement imho you are complicit in the carnage over there. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&...PEyTqlgxT5zPv6LyrBpM6g&bvm=bv.150729734,d.cGw

    They pretend to be adversaries but they always both agree on the underlying topic. They fake being different by having a different opinion on how to achieve the same outcome. After all the lies about Iraq and Libya and Syria and now Ukraine how can we believe a single thing we're told by the corporate media. Then we act all shocked when we get a little backlash in our own cities having supported and funded leveling their cities to the ground while murdering their wives and daughters.

    I just can not begin to understand how people still listen to any MSM. Local news is by far the easiest place to find Truth. Certainly not from some prepared report reading in front of a green screen.

    BTW the difference between people who ignore the MSM and those that don't is that those who ignore the MSM constantly encourage research. Constantly encourage people to not take our word for it but to research for yourself outside the MSM. We want you to challenge what you are being told. Even by us. Research, research, research. Can't say the same for the MSM. We have no fear of you researching but they do. I wonder why..

    I tell you you are a natural truth finder given enough information. Its why we have Jurys. They tell you that you can't be trusted to digest information and that you should only listen to them and not question them as they know best. You can't deny this. Its why they are trying to censor conservative opinions while teaching our kids there is no such thing as gender.

    Hope you read it all. If not i understand it did become a bit longer than i intended. Apologies for that.
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