When I put the US Debt Clock on my Home...

  1. 113 Posts.
    When I put the US Debt Clock on my Home Page
    (http://www.radiograham.info/debt) the US Debt
    to GDP ratio was 97.68% and steadily rising.

    Today it was 98.42% and it was steadily rising.

    And while-ever the US Government's revenues
    are $600 (for every $1000 it spends) that ratio
    cannot help but rise, until the US is bankrupt.

    The Fed can't drop interest rates below 0%.
    So to supply the missing revenue it will have
    to print or borrow more and more money
    to keep forestalling Federal Bankruptcy.

    Two Airports (one in Dallas and one in Perth)
    explain why the US is doomed while OZ not.

    I didn't take any pictures of what I saw in Dallas
    last year lest Homeland Security pounced on me.

    But there was a Special Departure Area
    from US troops (in full battle gear) and
    a Special Tarmac Area for huge jets
    that transported men and supplies
    all the way to Irag and Afghanistan.
    There was a war memorabilia shop.
    The same evidence (of massive
    military spending) could be
    seen at other major airports
    that I visited in July 2010.

    When I landed in Perth just before Easter this year
    I went to the Taxi Area and the queue was huge.
    But the taxis kept coming and coming and the
    huge queue kept moving, though more jets
    were landing and adding to the queue.

    The fascinating part was no men in battle gear
    could be seen BUT hundreds on men in orange
    Mining Gear (on Fly-In-Fly-Out contracts) were
    in the Taxi Queue - my guess about 15% of
    the incoming and outgoing passengers.
    Mining jets had a departure lounge
    like US military jets did in Dallas.

    America SPENDS Mega-Bucks on Two Wars
    and is heading for Federal Bankruptcy.

    Australia EARNS Mega-Bucks from Mining
    and is heading for a Budget Surplus.

    So guess where I'm investing my money.
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