At the time Captain Cook arrived in Australia the industrial...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    At the time Captain Cook arrived in Australia the industrial revolution in England was in about its twentieth year.

    Did he find farms, factories, schools and hospitals? No, he didn't.

    On page 12 of the literature we all received from the AEC, the Yes campaign made this telling admission: "Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our constitution and paying respect to 65,000 years of culture and tradition."

    And on page 14 of the same document, the Yes campaign emphasised their admission with this statement: "Celebrating and sharing 65,000 years of history."

    65,000 years of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and tradition failed to produce a single thing, and we were asked to vote for, to respect, and to celebrate that disgraceful record!

    Is it any surprise that their campaign failed? The only real surprise is found in the solemn fact that anybody voted for it at all!
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