why would any young person vote for abbott?

  1. 3,528 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    Since the end of the Howard era we have a nation split down the middle.
    The affluent boomer generation who have benefited from the huge run up in property valuations and shares.
    And the asset poor disenfranchised younger generation.
    A housing bubble courtesy of the Howard government, has left Australia with a massive generational wealth divide.

    The reality of this is that younger voters are spending a vastly larger chunk of their incomes servicing mortgages and making rental payments.
    As the boomers retire their assets WILL become fair game, for all political parties to address the taxation shortfall in the economy. Decisions will be made to benefit those paying tax.
    The moral of the issue is that the boomers SHOULD pay something more, as they HAVE benefited from two decades of economic growth.

    Neither side of the political divide can ignore this issue in the future. As boomers fall off the perch as it were, the electoral shift will dictate that the party that addresses the issues facing the younger generation will form government.

    A return to Workchoices (confirmed by Abbott in the debate yesterday, without delivering further details) will only hit the younger generation of workers to a greater extent at a time when
    a/ they are trying to pay for a "roof over their head"
    b/ pay for a tidal wave of boomers about to draw the age pension and subsidized medical services.
    and for many
    c/ re-pay a substantial HECS/PELS debt.

    The Abbott proposal to bring in more workers under 457 visas is difficult to justify when younger workers are finding it difficult to get jobs.
    In Victoria cuts to TAFE courses affect younger people more than any other group. Can do austerity Newman is cutting training places also.

    After the Howard government refused to spend adequately on infrastructure when they were in office, we are now to believe Abbott and his infrastructure proposals!
    The easiest cut in government revenues is to cancel some project that has not been started.

    In Victoria we have entered the new age of major projects rendered in media releases and constructed as scale models.
    Mr Napthine the people of Victoria want new projects started, and jobs created!

    Then we move on to climate change. Abbott has shifted and squirmed on this issue on many occasions. The Coalition direct action proposal is championed by few in the electorate and few even in his own party.

    The NBN is probably the issue where the Coalition proposal is seen to be far less desirable, by younger voters.

    The LNP paid parental leave scheme is just a core belief to deliver middle class welfare targeted at the inner suburbs. Paid for by lower income earners. I actually see this as the only issue which could attract, some younger voters.

    Why would any young person vote for Abbott?
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