KGL 1.11% 8.9¢ kgl resources limited

why?, page-34

  1. 15,518 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43
    Black Hole

    Previously you mentioned your margin a/c was at 1.5% over LIBOR. Can you verify that, as I was under the impression that LIBOR (the London Interbank Rate) was predominantly a commercial rate.
    Is it possible that your's is 1.5% obove the "official RBA rate"?

    Just asking.

    In any event, the cost of the loan interest is considerably cheaper than the long term cost of capital if they did a massive cap raising and share dilution. It is a far more cost efficient exercise from the shareholders perspective.
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9.0¢ 9.0¢ 8.7¢ $4.337K 48.50K

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1 30613 8.7¢

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9.0¢ 156861 1
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Last trade - 12.36pm 16/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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