Will Albanese call on Morrison to resign?

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    After revelations from tonight's edition of Four Corners about which Morrison is alleged to have known for ages and which have been raised many times before in Parliament, Australians still have NO answers to the questions raised about Morrison's 2018 'Sorry!" speech to child sexual abuse survivors which appeared to include QAnon messaging.

    Revelations tonight included assertions that Morrison has not responded to questions directed to him about the matter despite numerous opportunities and incredible persistence to that end by ABC staff. It's already history that there was massive pressure on the ABC to censor tonight's edition of Four Corners.

    There is even a possibility that Parliament has been misled over the inclusion of the QAnon term by claims Morrison picked it up from meetings he'd had - these have been investigated at depth and no evidence has thus far been found for that claim.

    At least we now have some insights into who Morrison was holidaying with in Hawaii during the 2019-20 bushfires and why his PMO kept that from the media. We now also have insights into who Morrison holidays with on the NSW coast and who's been looking after his girls and having a rollicking good time at Kirribilli House. We even have insights into the views of those people Morrison has holidayed with and insights into what they expected of Morrison.

    Based on recent behaviours by Morrison and his Muppets what might happen next:
    1. Morrison launches defamation action against the ABC and is supported by Murdoch Mouthpieces.
    2. Morrison refuses to answer and yet again closes down Parliament until another election is held.
    3. Morrison resigns amidst lots of feigned crocodile tears about how unfair the ABC has been to Hymn and how upset he is that his family has been dragged into it.
    4. Dutton expresses absolute dismay and calls for a spill and humbly offers Hymnself as an alternative to Morrison.
    5. Albanese musters the courage to move a vote of no-confidence in Morrison and his rotten, oppressive and incompetent government.
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