Banjar I agree completely . I'm presently battling with all this...

  1. 9,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Banjar I agree completely .

    I'm presently battling with all this change although like blueish's comments I see great benefit in some form of democracy/capitalism/socialism ?????? and our present environment but I don't think the Americanism of "WE know best" and we will make the world conform to our standards is correct or morally right !

    A quick example of late was Bearn Sterns CEO ? coming out one week and stating everything is fine then having to pawn the company off to JP the next week . golly gosh what a mess!

    From a biblical perspective and I hope I've got this right ; God created Earth and man and then God gave Adam and Eve the right to choose . They screwed up .lol

    Unfortunately even our greedy Govt's have had to back track when they've allowed much freedom . Thinking of Victoria and the pokies where they allowed them into way to many venues and all so they could earn the cash/tax or stop it from going over the border to N.S.W .

    AND ; Is it or was it the changing of our divorce laws that caused the family structure to almost dissintergrate ?
    Another example of allowing more freedoms to individuals but at what cost to our society ?

    What's this got to do with Muslims/Islamic nations ?
    My understanding is they do live by much stricter codes of conduct and although there exists extremists in every society ,which we must ignore , I believe western culture needs to take a step back and address some of the freedoms that have been granted .

    I'm not against freedom of speech or women being allowed equality [unlike many Muslim cultures] and the same for coloured people but a stronger stance from our leadership is in order .

    But while we debate religion,ethics,morals,finance I must say congrats to Rudd for having some guts on the Aboriginal issue and congrats to Howard for his strong leadership and a great example of a family man although I got the feeling it was Howards missus who actually ran the show . It's quite possible the same thing could be said for Hilary and Bill Clinton although She must be a wonderfully forgiving person to put up with Bills little Molonski style infidelities . Yet western culture seems to dissmiss all this .
    Then again many Muslim style cultures still allow men to have more than one wife and there are many biblical stories of this being acceptable or the norm as well .

    I'm confused on where we are , where we are going and where it will all end but it was most pleasing to see the support generated for madmacs of late so goes to show even in cyber land there still exists a great friendly spirit and old style values .

    cheers ge
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