pity you are so blinded by your own beliefs that you can’t see...

  1. 18,954 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    pity you are so blinded by your own beliefs that you can’t see past them. If you want to know - every time you post you sound anti semitic. So maybe that’s what the staffer heard. Your interpretation of history in Russia abc the Soviet Union is just that - your interpretation. You have taken information available in the public domain and twisted it, extended it and made meaning of it that the facts don’t support

    you have accused individuals with Jewish parentage and obvious pathological problems and failed to cast the same aspersions on others. Lenin was basically a tyrannical brute and Stalin the same. Too late Lenin realised that Stalin would be that type of leader.

    what you need to ponder for a while if they across all religions and races over the ages are madmen and conmen These are people with psychological problems of different types. They seek power and influence because it allows them to play out these pathological or psychopathic tendencies.

    being Jewish is irrelevant. In fact somehow I suspect that they will be underrepresented in prison populations That’s an opinion however
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