Will BitcoinCash will Replace Bitcoin?

  1. 10,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Bitcoin technology is not inferoir to Bitcoin cash see this post


    In  fact economically Bitcoin cash is a pointless alt as it comes no where near the transaction speed required to compete as transaction processor see  this post

    In the last week the price of Bitcoin cash was pumped twice . The first time was just before an emergency difficulty adjustment  and had the effect of pushing the price up so trhat when  the greater amount was mined  the resulting inflation did not push the price down below the price before the pump. The second weaker attempt was over the last 24 hours  and had the effect of defending a lower price . Why they wanted to do this I do not know
  2. 898 Posts.
    Bcash is inferior technologically compared to Bitcoin, not the other way around. Without the inclusion of Segwit, the malleability bug is still present. Much larger blocks lead to the centralisation of the network while not even coming close to the number of transactions Visa or Mastercard can accomplish. These forks are downright anti-intellectual, simply including a blocksize increase, when there are about a hundred less contentious features that could be included in a Hard Fork. This anti-intellectual work is not only observed in the features included in the hardfork (Or lack thereof), but also in the lack of basic code review and testing (As observed with the recent B2X bug [1] [2]).

    Much the same for BGold has been observed as well, with pre-mining, replay protection requested to be coded days before the fork (Should have been 2 years + before the fork), not even knowing which chain is the right chain.

    These forks are absolute clown shows.
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