will gillard "man up" and apologise. bolt has, page-31

  1. 18,561 Posts.
    hairy, the comment (Abbott's was there fo rall to see. This is undisputable. sic

    Which part of this gives you a problem? -

    "I think a lot has changed for the better since then," Mr Abbott said in Sydney on Australia Day.

    "I think the indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian.

    "I think a lot has changed since then, and I think it probably is time to move on from that."

    You probably think that the site is worthy of staying around, a lot of us think it's not that attractive.

    This is what Bob Carr said about it:

    Carr said: “I agree with Tony Abbott and think his remarks entirely sensible. The Tent Embassy in Canberra says nothing to anyone and should have been quietly packed up years ago.

    "The 'activists' who run it would be better off investing time in youth programs in indigenous communities. Every government in Australia is aware of its responsibilities to Aboriginal Australians. The debate is how you narrow the gap not whether you should and the debate is as serious within the Aboriginal community as between it and the white.”
    - See more at: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/50251#sthash.FIPXIo01.dpuf

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