Will Islam rule the world?, page-254

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    Mr Taughtbuffet, I'll help you out;

    When space expanded faster-than-light
    New maps from Planck mission support theory of cosmic inflation, the idea that, in the moments following Big Bang, space expanded faster than the speed of light. George Efstathiou – a Planck mission leader – explains more to Kavli Institute’s Kelen Tuttle.
    In 2013 and now this year, Planck provided very strong experimental evidence supporting the theory that the universe went through a mindbogglingly rapid expansion in its very first moments. Can you elaborate on the latest findings and why they’re important?

    Inflation – the theory that the early universe expanded incredibly rapidly in its first moments – makes a number of generic predictions. For example, the geometry of the universe should be very close to flat, and this should be reflected in fluctuations we see in the cosmic microwave background light. With the first Planck data, which we released in 2013, we verified some aspects of this model to pretty high precision by looking at the temperature of the cosmic microwave background across the sky. With the 2015 release, we improved the precision of those temperature measurements and also added accurate measurements of a twisting pattern in the cosmic microwave background called polarization. These polarization measurements are really important in telling us what the fabric of space was like in the early universe.''

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