MEK meeka metals limited

will it take off, page-4

  1. jwt
    3,884 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    I'm not sure I can see anything in the charts that indicate a direction. The drill results will indicate direction; pure and simple. The MACD indicators are about to cross in a positive direction after a double bottom (presumably quite positive); the 30 day moving Average is about to dip under the 200 day MA (presumably negative). So what do we have; another Melbourne Cup with just two bloody runners. 50:50; or, a winner or a loser; or the very worst and one of those announcements, "results indicate the need for more extensive drilling; please put your hands in your pockets, blah, blah. But as I've got some millions, my bet has to be on the winner scenario. Now what was tha Co that started at a few cents a year or so ago and went to circa $1.35 with some fabulous drill results? I could live with that. JWT (:
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