Will matriarchy replace patriarchy?, page-126

  1. 17,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    says you about a person you have never met, don’t know and have yet to manage a rational conversation with. Morality is not about spewing hate filled anti female garbage. That is about blind ignorance and adherence to an outdated woman hating philosophy. It is the sort of thinking that led to appalling customs like the dunking chair, the bridle and burning at the stake.

    typically these witch hunts occurred because men feared Women’s superior knowledge or the power women had to sexually arouse them.

    for a man to lecture me on the nature of women because I do not represent all women of what a woman is by nature is the most extraordinary arrogance. You of course would not see the hypocrisy or ignorance in it.

    you sound like an incel — one of those poor stupid and wilful men who take their impotence and tragic self esteem problems out on women - projecting their self loathing on others.

    I do not expect you to move from your vile outdated views and I’m happy to keep this exchange up. If you think you can outplay me on the grounds of morality or intellect I suggest you forget it. My conscience is clear and I know my IQ. You however sound as though you barely scraped through school. Or maybe you just went to a school where you were subjected to daily indoctrination about women. Or maybe you grew up in one of those remote tribal villages where honour killings of women who were raped, child brides and daily beatings of females were the order of the day

    what a shame you weren’t visited by Phoolan Devi.

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