Will matriarchy replace patriarchy?, page-229

  1. 17,365 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    gawd you think I didn’t work long hours or women I know work long hours. Must be the business I was in. I’ve also done sales and disliked it though was pretty good at it. But I left the business which insisted I stay in sales. I think your exposure to multiple environments and different people clearly doesn’t match mine.

    you misunderstood the comment about tall men. They got paid better but they did not perform better. There was no relationship at all between pay and performance. That they might have bern more confident or more imposing is irrelevant. There is no direct correlation between confidence and actual capability either. In fact confidence can lead to people over estimating their skill. That’s something that research suggests men so far more often that women

    so you can quote the research but it appears your ability to understand statistical terms like correlation is deeply flawed. It also appears that you assume more pay means better performance - exactly what the study showed was false.

    so you gave beautifully demonstrated that your biases and assumptions affect your ability to make sense of data. At least I don’t suffer from that. I have had a lifelong training on that at least. Data is distinctly different from opinion.

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