Will Netanyahu take notice?, page-18

  1. 84,753 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    IMO - Hamas would have not only planned for these repercussions, they would have depended on them -------- it WAS the strategy.

    An attempt at winning a war, knowing the response, knowing that the world would see the response and so big a response that a lot of the sympathy for the attack initially would be lost in the wash of an ocean of dead infants, orphans and atrocities - the cost, losing the battle.

    and - Hamas leadership would quite possibly not even be in Gaza - long gone. And running the show or planning and recruiting for the next show ----

    that the strategy has been effective is seen in just how much pressure is on America and that America is more than wavering - it's shaking ------ and it's support is looking very very shaky now ------------ to the extent that it's not raising it's hand in the UN

    a couple of UN votes time - and it well could be raising it's hand ----------- WITH the majority of the world

    Hamas has got this. What is important for Hamas is to not have any terror attacks around the world that are sheeted home to it - that would budge Palestinian support.

    But, in general - that's not really their style, they are more Israel focused.

    It's going to be very interesting to see what Israelis think of Netanyahu if he's still in charge if and when America steps away (which eventually, it must do) ---------- even the most ardent Zionist should wake up to the fact that, if America drops support flat - that it's an 'oh shit' moment for them.

    Is it possible? - well the trend atm is beginning. And there's always a possibility of Trump as POTUS ----------- what might he do?

    Stop military cooperation and arms sales to both sides? ----------- Uh huh, possible - why?

    Because that way he has a big big slash at the 'swamp' --------- and if he does that -then, it's goodnight Israel, thanks for trying
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