Your right Grgo. A lot of panic selling. At this rate it looks like the price could go below 10 cents once again. A severe downtrend in place. A good buying opportunity if it does drop to that level.
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(20min delay)
84.5¢ |
0.000(0.00%) |
Mkt cap ! $168.8M |
Open | High | Low | Value | Volume |
0.0¢ | 0.0¢ | 0.0¢ | $0 | 0 |
Buyers (Bids)
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
1 | 1316 | 82.5¢ |
Sellers (Offers)
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
84.0¢ | 6438 | 2 |
View Market Depth
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
1 | 1316 | 0.825 |
1 | 10 | 0.795 |
1 | 19810 | 0.755 |
1 | 20000 | 0.600 |
0 | 0 | 0.000 |
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
0.840 | 6438 | 2 |
0.845 | 18387 | 1 |
0.850 | 16929 | 3 |
0.855 | 7500 | 2 |
0.860 | 46720 | 3 |
Last trade - 14.40pm 01/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ? |
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