billybongo -atomou has so many on ignore he has run out of...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    billybongo -

    atomou has so many on ignore he has run out of people to read. HA HA

    The theory being - if you don't agree with him - he throws lots of "tantis"! I am on his ignore list too - so don't feel lonely. No doubt many more.

    Forgive me for being old fashioned
    but I always thought one of the rules of debating was to respect your opponent, despite their opposing views..

    Rudd didn't. And he had a friendly (suss) worm. too to help HIS morale ..
    boy was that trap well set for Howard!

    Don't we all agree - this forum would be very bland if there is only one point of view! Well, it seems there IS almost only one point of view. So sometimes I like to express mine. It's freedom of speech on here I believe.
    Thanks to HC.

    Now it seems a nightmare may actually come true - if we are to believe the polls - this country is about to elect as its next leaders the Kev and Jules team.

    Now one racks one's brains and thinks - how can this be? That people can place any value on thse two and their lack of quality, depth, leadership experience, and parliamentary experience. Neither of them has "run" anything to date. And the Unions will run them around in well controlled circles - their puppets on strings, to do their bidding - or else..

    Kev has a millionairess wife - but what's HIS career background - local council?? Where his record was less than great some have alleged.

    He has never RUN anything!

    Jules has a secret penchant for Socialism with a capital S. And, this penchant was still alive and well as recently as 2002, (despite her best efforts to pull the wool to the contrary --- making out on the public record when questioned that this was all "far back in the past" to quote her. Well, it WASN'T Julia, you should not tell porkies. You were still a active member in 2002!!

    So you are asking us to trust you and elect you to the second highest position in Australia -the plummest of jobs - Deputy Prime Minister of this country - when it is proven you had trouble being honest with the facts.

    Apart from gettting the time frame wrong, (bad memory??) we have to take into account that she actively belonged, until 2002, to an organisation whose statement of being was - "we need more than tinkering at the edges to fight the capitalist regime" - or words to that effect. Would she have suddenly changed her convicitions in the iterim? doubt it very much!

    Bewdy Jules. What is it then you have in mind exactly??
    Really getting stuck into Capitalism? If so - how??
    And how would this effect the mining industry? The manufacturing industry? The financial industry? Real estate and retail?
    Commodities? Coal? Uraniam? Nuclear power?

    On top of all this - we will have Swann at the financial controls, the Unions at the Front Bench and PM Controls, and wall to wall Labor domination dictating every single policy for Australia, with little opposition.

    And Garrett doing his usual prancing around doing nothing in particular still trying to look ponderous and Green.

    One sided - single policy for Australia. THis is not a democracy if there are no checks and balances. In fact, it sounds like a recipe for mayhem to me.

    Rudd and Gillard are being given a dream run by a heavily biased left-wing media. They are not being placed under heavy scrutiny at all regarding their policies. Just patting babies heads and smiling a lot.

    They are flitting around like pop stars - with silly matras and slogans and shallow photo opportunites - and not much else. Where is their substance??
    Who WIll ask them the hard questions? No-one, it seems. So they are just going to coast in to jobs they don't deserve.

    Above all, I cannot understand what the heck IS it the current government have done which is so awful people think they deserve being thrown out??? Have they sent us broke? Have they made us a laughing stock internationally? Have they brought this country down financially? Has their front bench been rocked by various scandals? Haven't they held the line well with regard to terrorism and its intent of world domination?
    HAvenlt they been a good and heloug hand neiughboiur to surrounding countries in distress of tsumani, etc.?

    Oh - it must be Al Gore coming along with his little dishonest missive - "A Convenient Untruth" which has been Howard's "undoing." That's it then!

    It is, after all, Howard's fault that all the world's glaciers are about to melt any minute and cause a world-wide flood of Noaks Ark proportions. Or that China is spewing out gunk at such a rate of knots that the Olympic athletes will need oxygen masks just to turn up!

    In fact, if we are to believe Messers Rudd and Gillard - absolutely EVERYTHING is Howard's fault.
    In fact, they have not been a good government for 11 and a half years at all folks - it was all just an optical illusion! Just in our minds!

    My conspiracy theory?
    What is happening is that the young generation do not know what hard times are. They have never had it so good. Or rather, they have never had it BAD!
    The whole world caters to them - the mighty teenager.
    They think manna descends from heaven - and these heady times are the norm. Not knowing where the next meal is coming from has never been THEIR experience..
    THey have it absolutely all -accumlating all the teenage bling with well-off parents who indulge them and spoil them rotten, physically and mentally.
    So they think this is a bit boring, and it is trendy and exciting to get radical!

    And Howard's sooooooooo old!! (Forget most US Presidents came in in their 70's - even 80's in some instances.)

    So - if he's soooooo old - he musn't be to the job any more. (so much for eradicating age bias in the work force!)

    so, let's bring out a Ken 07 shirt logo- and a "young" Kev - that'll be better than some "old" fogey. even if he does in fact seem to know what he's doing.

    And in the last 11 and a half years, they have come up through high school systems absolutely dominated by Left Wing philosophy, so heavily entrenched in the teaching profession.

    I have a teacher in my close family in a very senior position. He says yes - this is right - hardly a non-Left Wing teacher to be seen. He feels very much alone in the staff room chatter. And political correctness is rife.
    Whether the kids pick this political bias up by osmosis, or direct influence, is anyone's guess.

    But they come out of school with the "I hate Howard" mantra well entrenched in their brains. Most of them wouldn't have a clue about realities. Just a slogan will get their vote. They have no idea! And it is this new generation who are swinging Australia Left. To our detriment!

    The last thing Australia needs in this world climate is a heavy swing to the Far Left. (France just saw the light Thank God and went right!)

    And, if this happens, the terrorist miilionaire regimes will be ecstatic! Their plans for world domination will be further adanced.

    Others may come along who might well be right at some stage - for Labor - and for Australia - whom I might even vote for - but they are not on the horizon yet. Someone we could ALL at least look up to and respect.

    IMO opinion - these two present candidates are very much also-rans. It's not them!
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