Will Turnbull still be PM at Christmas., page-138

  1. 5,033 Posts.
    dex / pd,

    Its been quite a day!

    You've labelled me as being 'type cast" and now Hairy as having 'narrow Liberal views'. You applied the adjective 'Hate' in there somewhere - and you suggest I am 'hyperbolic'!!!! (again to use an adjective you applied - pot / kettle?).

    You also mention something about Hairy would 'gladly see a Shorten lead a socialist Labor Government that would likely cruel business, blow out welfare expenditure and throw open our borders?'. I don't think I've taken your comments out of context but I'm sure you will correct me if I have.

    With respect Rudd / Gillard have already done that - Abbott fixed the third of the problems you mentioned (border control) - they created the other 2 messes.

    What do you suggest Turnbull is doing to substantively fix these other 2 messes left behind by Labor (other than tinkering around the edges with a couple of $Billion dollar 'savings' (hint tax rises) here and there)? This country has a structural deficit in place and Turnbull seems to be doing nothing to correct it. The country can't rely on Labor to manage a root in a brothel - so no hope of them fixing the mess.


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