Wind farms 'will never keep the lights on'

  1. 27,817 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 474
    27 October 2014

    Wind farms 'will never keep the lights on': Study claims turbines are 'expensive and deeply inefficient'

    Wind farms produce 90% of potential power output for only 17 hours a year

    Families and businesses have paid billions to subsidise building of turbines

    Wind farms will never be able to ensure the nation’s lights stay on because they are ‘expensive and deeply inefficient’, it is claimed today.

    Confirming the long-held fears of many critics, a new study published by the right-leaning Adam Smith Institute and the Scientific Alliance argues the green energy revolution has been an expensive folly.

    Researchers found that, on average, wind farms produce 80 per cent of their potential power output for less than one week annually – and they manage 90 per cent output for only 17 hours a year....
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