wind now accounts for 58% of energy use in sa, page-41

  1. 1,697 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 276

    I think we have a forum already.. its called GREENE..

    for the last five years that I have used it, its been for open discussion by both parties about the advances of science and technology on the many forms of alternative energy direction, instead of just accepting in the 19th centenary conventions that have powered humanity to this point in history.

    I think what has pissed me off the most on this top of this thread, and talk about trolls... to me, the attack on BB was being done by crew that were only interested in refuting advances that clearly show there is MATERIAL impact on the use of fossil fuel generated energy..

    As a investor, and being on this board we are in the pursuit of making a dollar ourselves..thus we make investment decisions on what we read.. so what do we get out the the original article?

    Clearly states "snapshots of an overall trend happening in the state"

    By expanding that out.. not just with the wind-power component, but with the other alternative energy sources and then take it across the globe..

    Keyword.. "Trend"

    I put it to you.. how much money is still being spent or generated and jobs created by the 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% goals of Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects..

    Obama Fast-tracks Seven Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects

    "Thanks to a coordinated and focused review process, in the past three years, the Department of the Interior has approved more utility-scale renewable energy projects on public lands than in the past two decades combined — a total of 31 new projects. "

    Military Renewables: Why More Than Money is at Stake

    The Army Environment Policy Institute found that approximately one U.S. soldier is killed for every 24 fuel resupply convoys sent to the frontline.

    I will give you a few other links to ponder..

    U.S. coal exports to China may double in 2012: Xcoal

    How the U.S. could influence China’s coal habits — with exports

    "What’s more, the Carnegie report notes, the Chinese government is becoming increasingly sensitive to the ecological damage wrought by domestic coal mining — as well as to the growing number of protests over unsafe mining conditions. According to official statistics, 6,027 Chinese miners died in 2004, though the real number is probably higher. There are real costs to ramping up production in China."

    Its a big topic, and its best to post with backup articles instead of personal attacks on the poster and their ideological way of posting..

    This game still has a long way to play out yet and yes.. its not an easy few years ahead..oversupply, over capacity, over investment.. but its get a long, long tail that has not come home to roost yet..

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