Windows 10, page-56

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hmmm ... a bit more on the topic .. Computerworld sees the Windows 10 issue with disdain .. and suggest that another Windows failure (and we all know which ones ... ) may even question the very future of PC's.

    "... Windows 8 was a spectacular flop, sunk to a large degree by the start screen. If Windows 10 performs no better, there are two views of the consequences. One is that the Windows platform is now vulnerable to obsolescence. So, like a prime minister facing a multiparty no-confidence vote, a Windows 10 failure would force Microsoft to make an airtight case for why a Windows operating system must continue to be produced.

    Yes, Windows versions have failed before, without Taps being played or world economies crumbling. It's not because Windows hasn't mattered that much. As with mediocre leadership or poor cable service, people will put up with what they have in the absence of a better alternative. But if Windows 10 doesn't catch on, device makers may move away from PCs altogether.

    The products they make, using other native OSes or even virtual desktops, may look less and less like laptops and not much different from tablets ... "

    Cheers ... tight stops.

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