windsor's shot across the gillard bows

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Windsor having a bob each way in his interview with Emma Albareci on Lateline tonight.

    He has the "never answer a direct question with a direct answer" pollie diversionary tactic down to a fine art too.

    Yaddah yaddah yaddah yaddah - and he, the first cousin of the MAJOR Labor power-broker, Bruce Hawker, of Hawker Britton.

    Oh, yes, Windsor opines (now backed into a very awkward corner - one he was bound to end up in, eventually). For Oakeshott's already decided he's not voting to clamp down on democratic rights to free speech in the Press/Media.

    Of, pipes up Windsor, this was all so RUSHED - if we'd only had time, they could have broken this down into six different bills, and we could vote in the ones we like, and not for the others.

    However, he was squirming like a worm on a hook - and, right at the end, came the whammy - he trying to justify his
    "Gillard seems better than Abbott at the time, but" change of tack! (Can we trust it?) I think not.

    But he pronounced, if "they" don't get their act together - (this Government) there may be an election far sooner than September 14th - or words to that effect!

    Now that, coming from in, was probably just him throwing the public a placating bone - or was it more? Him, al last realising that we're angry - very angry - and we're not going to take his and Oakeshott's rubbish and dictatorial jackboots in our chests - any more!

    His general gist - by inference - was, if they keep "mucking around", and change leaders again - the leadership's and any "transfer deals' when it comes to his support arenot something he's willing to see bandied around - so if Rudd gets back - we assume - Windsors agreement was only with Gillard - and he's out. Or so he infers.

    However, with this one, slippery arrogant egotistical eel, I, like many, would believe it when they see it.

    The rest of the interview consisted of him blowing his own bags as to what hes achieved, MYSELF.

    and he said he's not worried what his constituents think.

    (He's soon to find out - and it'll be a very rude shock!)

    what a sick joke this whole sad fiasco's become. And we have 6 months more of this absolute farce. And Australia is broke. She promises much - but has no money to do it all.

    Yaddah yaddah yaddah.

    (See Doug Cameron in full, comrade flight today - bludgeoning media barons - never seen such puffed up priggish and ignorant, self indulgent arrogance and rudeness as he showed today - it's off to the gulag for them if they don't toe his Marxist line!)

    Someone said he's worse than Albanese - they could well be right! (But then there's Conroy - and Shorten).

    All of them little tin Gods.
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