If fuel prices continue to fall or be maintained at current...

  1. 970 Posts.

    If fuel prices continue to fall or be maintained at current levels I think it is almost a time to buy dividend paying shares. My predictions last year if anyone saved them were easy. This year is a lot more unpredictable, as there are so many market influences. I think we will soon have a near term Bull Run in a very bear market. I believe with the amount of money and world unity being thrown at the market, a dismal future already factored in, and the Obama factor, I believe that the market will rally in 09. I am not changing my market low prediction of a bottom in 2012, but a real sustained rally cannot be ruled out next year. This doesn’t mean that the fate of “citizen America” will be suddenly better off over night, but that the stock market is always the first to turn. Iron ore and metal prices are still a long term buy and hold now that the steam has been let of. Biotechnology and health care will be the big winners next year. I expect good Biotechnology in late stage trials to rally from now on. Property prices will continue to fall as expectations of a fall materialise. You should use the rally next year to exit positions ahead of the next stage down of the biggest longest slump in human history. When interest rates get to 2.5% you should lock them in ahead of a decade long mid level interest rate rise. Next year is a year for taking short term risks to try to get ahead of the pack. Don’t speculate from now on but take risks in shares that are paying there keep, and you believe the dividend will be maintained. Look out you window and watch what is really happening and don’t believe anything you read in the news papers about the state of the economy.
    Good Luck
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