Without Christ you've got NOTHING.

  1. 4,462 Posts.
    Work hard, enjoy your time here to the best that you can then either with or without warning YOU'RE GONE.
    Why spend time believing in something/someone that can't be - beyond reasonable doubt - proven ?
    Yes, there are some events from the Bible that science has confirmed but the same can also be said for other religious books so big deal.
    Once you're gone, you're gone, that's it forever- never to know anything ever again.
    Yes, no wonder there's so many miserable lumps of breathing, talking, walking fertilizer craniums walking around.
    They deserve to be that way since besides the 'now' they have nothing to look forward to.
    THEN THE BIBLE kicks in.
    It teaches that after death you will retain your consciousness somewhere.
    There you will know what The Bible taught was real.
    Prove it ? CAN'T.
    Disprove it ? CAN'T.
    So take the gamble and hope the Bible is just fiction.
    Want to mention Pascal ?
    Well he now knows the truth.
    Prove it ? CAN'T.
    Disprove it ? CAN'T.
    So 3 options after death.
    Happy, nothing or something not good.
    HAPPY - while alive you placed your faith/trust/belief in only the death/burial/resurrection of Christ.
    Or AT ABSOLUTE BEST hope that NOTHING actually happens because the third option aint going to be good for you

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