It's very disappointing we have adopted in overseas hate...

  1. 15,892 Posts.
    It's very disappointing we have adopted in overseas hate mongering and metoo applied it to convenient ethnics. It really got a legup when the section 51 of the consititution was got to by the real racists, the ones who considered themselves the God given social concience of a backwater society.

    Of course we had our own homegrown ethnocentrism going back to Botany Bay when we had the hates on the French navigators hanging offshore. The Oirish, the Pommies, the Germans, the Yugoslavs, the Italians, the Greeks, the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Indians and every ethnicity before and in between have all been given the rounds as a kind of 'initiation' and for sure a scant few took it to their bleeding hearts, but overall they have assimilated into a cohesive society which the ALP official policy is determined to tear apart into disunity and chaos.
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