"UN/WEF dictates & orders infect and drive treacherous and...

  1. 2,610 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    "UN/WEF dictates & orders infect and drive treacherous and traitorous Labor-Greens and Liberal-Nationals policies.

    At future federal and state elections look beyond the delusion of “choice” that is really UN/WEF policies in both the Liberal-Nationals-& the Labor-Greens.

    The duopoly created the current mess pushing UN/WEF policies. They cannot and do not have the solutions to restore Australia.

    Look beyond the clowns with their promises in an auction using our money bidding for our votes.

    Look beyond the UN/WEF uniparties to the freedom parties - One Nation, Katter’s Australia Party, IMOP, Australian Citizens Party, LDP, UAP, …

    Put the Majors Last." - Senator Malcolm Roberts

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