Once again, Daveo! Shlt you fatigue me, you moron. Try to get a...

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    Once again, Daveo! Shlt you fatigue me, you moron. Try to get a couple of sentences to stick in your minute brain, if you can, or I'll just have to completely give up on you! (I think yipyak did just too much damage there, boy)

    You keep using the plural: "we", "our side" etc.
    In terms of the sigular pronoun, that is to say, YOU personally, are not included anywhere! Decisions were made without your consultations -or mine or yipyak's for that matter. The seppos -they alone with the soldiers of whichever other country whose politicians they could con or buy, invaded a foreign country, totally illegally. (When all this is over this issue will be widely discussed. I hope you'll follow the argument then but I think by then you'll have got bored because the seppos would have lost).

    So far as I'm concerned, the seppos have lost this war in a major way.
    It cost them an absolute fortune.
    It has filled too many body bags.
    It has made them lose an enormous amount of credibility (People are still laughing at the Jessica saga!)
    It has shown them to be terrible liars (WMD are still in Cheney's back yard and Bin Laden still in Sharon's holiday home!)
    They are STILL fighting and they are STILL filling up body bags and hospitals back home.
    It has divided America like nothing else ever before bar, perhaps the civil war.
    It has alienated a great many of America's allies.
    It has separated Europe from America.
    It has separated Politicians from people in no uncertain terms and probably for perpetuity.
    It has divided Europe into the so called Old Europe and New Europe (Rumsfeld's idiotic "masta" piece)
    It has stirred up racists hornet's nest every where.

    I won't go on 'cause I've got better things to do. Now run along again, bumwiper yipyak need you majorly!
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