Wong’s Palestine call has been criticised as ‘a win for terrorists’ by the Coalition, page-679

  1. 18,335 Posts.
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    Old Man,

    You are consumed and deluded in your own narrative of "Victimhood" that you can't look at the FACTS clearly.

    So I will make it easy for you.

    As you are an Australian (dual citizen really), try to raise an army and declare independence and a State within Australia, and see what happens. Lol As if that needed an explanation.

    Well, if you do: The Australian would send the Army against your group of "Terrorists, Separatists, Rebels and Traitors" as YOU WOULD BE IN BREACH OF YOUR OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO AUSTRALIA.

    And the Australian Gov can Rightly and Legally ask for Military Assistance from Allies such as the US and UK to put it down. Refer to the Eureka Rebellion - what did the Gov do back then???

    Now, to link it, to Palestine.

    Well, Palestine was a STATE with a Constitution and Government. Yes, they promulgated their Constitution in 1922. And within their Constitution, it provided for Lawmakers to pass laws within the State of Palestine - Yes, they had a Legislative Council (do you know what that is???). And the Lawmakers at the time, included Muslims, Christian and Jews.

    All of these Zionists (Ben etc etc) were Citizen of the State of Palestine. And they all SWORE AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to the PALESTINE.

    So when they took up arms and declared the STATE of ISRAEL within PALESTINE, they became "Terrorists, Separatists, Rebels, Traitors" within the country they had SWORE an OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to.

    As a consequence, the Government of PALESTINE had every LEGAL right to ask for Military Assistance from its allies and neighbours to put down the REBELLION.
    The terrorists at the time, were the ZIONISTS. They broke the LAW and they broke their OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to PALESTINE.

    Here is Ben Gurion's own quote at the time:

    “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal;we have taken their country.It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs.There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have "STOLEN their country". Why would they accept that?”

    David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.


    So he knew at the time, they (Zionists) were in the WRONG
    Last edited by Cosmoterios: 16/04/24
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