Wong’s Palestine call has been criticised as ‘a win for terrorists’ by the Coalition, page-504

  1. 17,332 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    yes on the I got the Iran support for the Arab invasion wrong. No that it was because I had absorbed Zionist propaganda but more that I was tired and really shouldn’t have been on hotcopper that late. Iranians are not Arabs and their attitude only really change under the Islamic state they became. So happy you pointed my mistake out.

    and yes I know that the un resolution was only a recommendation. I did recommend a while ago that people read it properly because it was not what it seemed And yes Israel then acted without security council agreement though interesting that Russia was the first to recognise them as a state. I have also read opinions that it is questionable - legally - whether the un had that power

    and yes I have read Ben Gurions work. I have in my library a number of books written or edit by him and so well aware that he understood what was happening and that it would not be well received. There are some other quotes I could include but honestly got some deadlines I need to meet today so if I remember later… maybe.

    see my next post for comment on the citizenship matter
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