re: woods rules out returning to ira I stopped execution of...

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    re: woods rules out returning to ira

    I stopped execution of Douglas Wood: mufti

    By Eamonn Duff
    June 19, 2005
    The Sun-Herald

    Australian Muslim leader Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali will return home tomorrow with evidence that he says proves Douglas Wood would now be dead if it had not been for his intervention.

    Packing his bags for an overnight flight home to Sydney, the mufti said: "I will return with documents to prove that we stopped the execution.

    "There was one group that wanted to execute him even after we won the support of so many people."

    But there are concerns the Federal Government may ask the mufti not to release the documents at his planned noon press conference tomorrow for security reasons.

    The news coincides with a separate leaked government document which reveals what really went on behind the scenes in the weeks and days leading up to Mr Wood's release.

    The fax, obtained exclusively by The Sun-Herald, was sent from Attorney-General Philip Ruddock's office by a senior official and confirms that Sheik Alhilali played a far greater role in the rescue effort than anyone had previously realised.

    It shows the Government tracked the mufti down in Egypt, while he was receiving treatment for a heart condition, and requested he return to Baghdad to deliver an extraordinary offer to Mr Wood's captors, on their behalf.

    The fax was sent on May 24 to the Australian ambassador in Cairo, Dr Robert Bowker.

    Dr Bowker, in turn, located the mufti and relayed its contents.

    "The Government appreciates the efforts he is making to free Douglas Wood," it said, adding: "He should go back to Baghdad to continue his efforts"

    The fax added that while it did not want the mufti to be seen giving "public undertakings on behalf of the Government", it nevertheless needed him to pass on information which stated: "The Government is open to suggestions that might help his release . . . However, before doing so, some proof of life is needed."

    Sheik Alhilali became the subject of harsh criticism when he returned to Iraq because it was unclear why he had made the move. It was suggested he had outstayed his welcome and was hindering the mission.

    A spokeswoman for Mr Ruddock said the Government was not in a position to confirm or deny operational details outlined in the fax.

    Yesterday, the mufti intimated he was "disappointed" the Government's failure to clarify the situation had triggered unfair condemnation. But he refused to be drawn into a slanging match.

    "I did this work for the pleasure of God and in loyalty to our Australian nation, a nation whose goodness has overwhelmed us, whose water we drank and which gave us the freedom that we missed in our country of origin," he said.

    "I wanted to prove my community's love for Australia. I am not here to take credit nor to claim to be a hero. I was no more than a servant for a community and for my nation, Australia, out of feeling for my detained brother [Mr Wood]."

    On May 13, following days of intensive talks, Sheik Alhilali acknowledged his work was drawing to a close.

    "The deadline has been extended indefinitely," he announced. "We have done all we can from our side."

    But barely two weeks later, and following days of silence and uncertainty over Mr Wood's fate, the Government decided it needed the mufti back.

    After agreeing to its request, Sheik Alhilali made a series of frantic phone calls to key go-betweens, outlining word-for-word what the Government was prepared to do.

    Forgoing further heart tests, he then returned to Baghdad on May 30 and retrieved a DVD providing the all-important "proof of life", showing Mr Wood reading a May 29 newspaper.

    While it remains unclear exactly what transpired after the Government received its proof, Sheik Alhilali has confirmed a financial agreement was reached with kidnappers so that Mr Wood's life would be spared.

    Speaking to Arabic media, he said: "There was a point where the abductors wanted $25 million. Eventually, we managed to convince them to drop this demand and a figure, in the thousands, was agreed."

    The Wood family have since promised to honour a pledge to donate a six-figure sum to an Iraqi charity.

    The mufti confirmed fresh ties had been forged through the mission: "I was just a player in this team. The captain was [Prime Minister] John Howard who took responsibility and I thank him for his words of support which I do not deserve. One of the best players on the team I would like to thank is Nick Warner [spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade] an intelligent, wise man . . . we used to meet daily and talk for hours."

    Confirming a rift with his former spokesman had now been healed, he added: "I also thank the lung that I breathe with, and my insightful eye into the media, Keysar Trad, for his efforts and what he did to correct a number of misunderstandings that occurred."
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