My dairy farmer friend tells me the average payment per litre is...

  1. 269 Posts.
    My dairy farmer friend tells me the average payment per litre is .38 and the average cost per litre is .50.  Part of the problem is the processor who gets the biggest cut.  Any downward push on price is always handed onto the farmer the processor doesn't take the hit.  As the poor old cows have to be milked no matter what the farmers take the hit or cull the herd.  All the farmers want is fairness.  All the shoppers want is the lowest price.  We need an awakening that something has to give.  The farmers cannot keep producing and making a loss it isn't just dairy farmers it is right across the board.  Apples are probably about the same price they were ten years ago.  Really, costs for the orchardist haven't gone up, wages have even if it hasn't been by much.  The energy suppliers make a profit, the miners make a profit the clothes manufacturers make a profit but the farmers can't something isn't right  and it needs to be fixed. I buy local and I buy farm gate when I can.
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